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==== Host, Original ====
:The individual who was the first one to exist in the body. Sometimes used as a synonym for the [[tulpamancer]], although the [[host]] is not the [[tulpamancer]] in all cases. [[Host|More]]
==== Creator, Tulpamancer ====
:The individual who has created and is responsible for the [[tulpa|tulpas]]. Some people have preferences on which they prefer to use, but both are synonyms. [[Tulpamancer|More]]
==== Deviation, Change ====
:The change that occurs to a [[tulpa|tulpas]] personality or form during and after creation, seemingly against or independent of your own conscious will. [[Deviation|More]]
==== Dissipation ====
:The process of a mind fading from existence, becoming less distinct and sentient over time. Sometimes happens to young [[tulpa|tulpas]] starved of attention or stimuli. A long process that is a touchy subject for a lot of the community. [[Dissipation|More]]
==== Emotional Response ====
:When a [[tulpa]] responds to external stimuli or the thoughts of the [[tulpamancer]] with a wave of emotion as opposed to speaking. [[Emotional Response|More]]
==== [[Forcing]] ====
:Any act relating to the [[tulpamancer]] focusing on, developing, speaking with, etc, the [[tulpa]]. [[Forcing|More]]
==== Active Forcing ====
:A type of forcing where a dedicated span of time is used to focus solely on the [[tulpa]] while the [[tulpamancer]] generally tries to avoid any possible distractions. [[Forcing|More]]
==== Passive Forcing ====
:A type of forcing where the [[tulpamancer]] does something with the [[tulpa]] while not focusing solely on them. A [[tulpamancer]] talking to their [[tulpa]] while they are at work or in school doing something else is a good example of passive forcing. [[Forcing|More]]
==== Form ====
:The mental appearance of a [[tulpa]] or [[tulpamancer]]. Can be literally anything. Isn't required, but is often used. [[Form|More]]
==== Imposition ====
:The act of perceiving your [[tulpa]] by your physical senses. Considered to be a controlled hallucination. May refer to any of the 5 senses, most commonly sight. [[Imposition|More]]
==== Metaphysics ====
:In relation to [[tulpa|tulpas]], it's the school of thought that suggests [[tulpa|tulpas]] are supernatural or paranormal beings brought about by means beyond modern science. [[Metaphysics|More]]
==== Mindvoice ====
:The internal voice of the [[tulpa]] or [[tulpamancer]], which can be heard when a [[tulpamancer]] and [[tulpa]] talk together. Not to be confused with voices heard as external auditory hallucinations. [[Mindvoice|More]]
==== Narration ====
:When the [[tulpamancer]] speaks to or with their [[tulpa]]. A common form of passive forcing. [[Forcing|More]]
==== Parallel Processing ====
:When the [[tulpa]] can focus and work on something completely different from what the [[tulpamancer]] is focusing on. [[Parallel Processing|More]]
==== Parroting, [[Puppeting]] ====
:When a [[tulpamancer]] consciously and purposefully controls the [[tulpa|tulpa's]] actions. Parroting generally refers to controlling their speech while puppeting generally refers to controlling their movement, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. [[Puppeting|More]]
==== [[Possession]] ====
:When a [[tulpa]] controls part or all of the physical body while the previous controller is still connected to the body senses. [[Possession|More]]
==== [[Proxying]] ====
:Communicating on behalf of a [[tulpa]], relaying what the tulpa says to facilitate communication. Usually in writing, but can also be in speech. Basically the act of transferring conversation or information "by proxy". [[Proxying|More]]
==== [[Servitor]] ====
:A [[tulpa|tulpa-like]] entity with seemingly no willpower, volition, or sentience of its own; a mental puppet that may seem to act independently but acts only as a servant to its creator. [[Servitor|More]]
==== [[Switching]] ====
:Letting the [[tulpa]] take full control of the body while the previous controller steps out of control. Usually the previous controller then enters a [[tulpa|tulpa-like]] state. [[Switching|More]]
==== Tulpa ====
:A [[tulpa]] is a conscious mind that is not the first mind to come into existence in the brain. Often created intentionally by their [[host]]. [[Tulpa|More]]
==== [[Visualization]] ====
:Using the mind's eye to sense things within the mind like seeing your [[tulpa]], seeing your [[mindscape]], hearing your [[tulpa]], or feeling the [[tulpa|tulpa's]] [[form]]. Often refers to all senses, not just sight. [[Visualization|More]]
==== Vocal ====
:The stage when a [[tulpa]] can communicate in full, coherent sentences as opposed to [[Tulpish]], [[Emotional Response]], or [[Body Language]]. [[Vocality|More]]
==== [[Wonderland|Wonderland, Mindscape, Dreamscape]] ====
:A mental environment where the [[tulpamancer]] and [[tulpa]] can interact. [[Wonderland|More]]