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Dissociative Identity Disorder: Difference between revisions

added section alters
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=== Health and Safety ===
This page covers a clinical diagnosis of a mental disorder. As a matter of a person's health, it is important to handle this topic carefully. You might believe that you should redirect anyone who appears to be suffering from this to seek professional help. This presupposes that the person is ill, and that they need help. You are not a doctor. Don't do this.
Similarly, if a person comes to you claiming to have DID, treat them with respect. You are not a doctor, and you don't know what the label means. However, anyone diagnosed with DID has a lot more going on than multiple personalities. According to all professional standards, having multiple personalities is not sufficient reason to apply any diagnosis whatsoever in and of itself. Respect that they may have additional concerns and needs.
== Alters ==
A large number of misconceptions surround alters. Alters are the official label used for the other personalities in those diagnosed with DID or a similar condition. However, what this means, is highly ambiguous. The diagnosis has changed and morphed over time. And plurality in general does not fit the diagnosis. To be a DID alter is different than to be a OSDD alter. There is also great difficulty in defining the concepts of personality, identity, and personhood, all of which the definition of alters depends upon.
The official definition of of alters is that they are "distinct personality states". Due to the looseness of this definition, it is even possible that some people with DID don't experience plurality as a tulpamancer would recognise it, though field experience reveals that many with DID do experience plurality of this type.
In practise, most alters experience communication difficulties. This means they cannot read each others thoughts, they cannot watch each other, and they cannot both be active in order to talk to each other at the same time. This leads to amnesia, where one personality fails to remember what happened while another one was active. They also usually experience control difficulties, where they cannot control who is out in front, and can be pushed to the front through the use of trigger words. A side effect of this is they can almost always switch.
== History ==
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There has been some feedback from this culture's coping strategies back into psychological theory and practise. Many professional psychologists no longer pursue integration as the first solution to this diagnosis, as one example, and now also look towards conflict resolution strategies.
== External links ==
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